By Laws

By-Laws of Northmead Bowling, Recreation and Sporting Club Limited ACN 001 068 275


1.1 These By-laws are made by the Board of Directors (‘the Board’) of Northmead Bowling,

Recreation and Sporting Club Limited (‘the Club’) pursuant to the power conferred upon the

Board by Clause 56(b) of the Constitution.

1.2 Subject to the provision of Clause 56 of the Constitution the Board may alter or repeal a Bylaw

as it may deem necessary or expedient for the proper conduct and management of the Club.

1.3 These By-laws shall come into force and be duly operating upon the posting of an appropriate

Notice containing such affirmed By-laws on the Notice Board.

1.4 These By-laws are to be read subject to the Constitution of the Club and in the event of any

inconsistency, the Constitution shall prevail.

1.5 These By-laws are binding on each member of the Club in the same manner as if each

member had subscribed his/her name thereto.

1.6 A copy of the Constitution of the Club is available for perusal from the General Manager.


2.1 Subject to the provisions of Clause 56(a) the Board shall form the following Club Committees:

a. Finance and Audit

b. Bowls Management

c. Gaming

d. Capital and Asset Management

e. Human Resources

f. Marketing

g. Sponsorship

h. Disciplinary

2.2 The Board will establish a Charter for each Club Committee which sets out the committee’s roles

and responsibilities, delegated authority and relevant administrative matters.

2.3 The Board will appoint members to the Club Committees at the first Board Meeting following

each Annual General Meeting of the Club and as required thereafter.

2.4 Each Club Committee will report to the Board each month


3.1 Subject to provisions Clause 56(m) of the Clubs Constitution and the overall direction of the

Board the following Sections are created and subject to Clauses 28, 59, 60, 61, 62, and 63 of the

Clubs Constitution:

a. The Women’s Bowling Club is established to promote, support, stage and cater for the game

of Lawn Bowls (Bowls) for women by promoting, holding, conducting, either alone or jointly

with any other association, club, or persons, meetings, matches, competitions and

exhibitions in relation to Bowls and to offer, give or contribute towards prizes, trophies,

medals or awards.

b. The Fishing Club is established to promote, support, stage and cater for the pastime of

Fishing by promoting, holding, conducting, either alone or jointly with any other association,

club, or persons, meetings, matches, competitions and exhibitions in relation to Fishing and

to offer, give or contribute towards prizes, trophies, medals or awards.

c. The Golf Club is established to promote, support, stage and cater for the game of Golf by

promoting, holding, conducting, either alone or jointly with any other association, club, or

persons, meetings, matches, competitions and exhibitions in relation to Golf and to offer,

give or contribute towards prizes, trophies, medals or awards.

d. The Darts Club is established to promote, support, stage and cater for the game of Darts by

promoting, holding, conducting, either alone or jointly with any other association, club, or

persons, meetings, matches, competitions and exhibitions in relation to Darts and to offer,

give or contribute towards prizes, trophies, medals or awards.

e. The Travelling Bowlers Club is established to promote the sport of lawn bowls and provide

members with an opportunity to visit, engage and network with members of like clubs in

NSW. By organising and entering teams to play in bowls tournaments of like clubs,

the Travelling Bowlers will enhance the reputation of the club

3.2 Each Section of the Club shall:

a. Provide a current and signed copy of their existing constitution to the General Manager, or

otherwise confirm the version held by the Club remains current.

b. Abide by their approved constitution, and be able to demonstrate compliance on request or

as required by the provision of details as requested.

c. Provide due notice to the Board (in advance of member notification) where changes are to

be sought from the Section’s membership base.

d. Provide financial records to the Board monthly, or otherwise, in line with their constitution,

or as otherwise agreed and that such records should be reviewed and endorsed by the

respective committee’s prior to lodging with the clubs board.

e. Advise the Board of any intent to modify or renew uniforms as appropriate to the Section.

The board will retain a right of refusal to any design, or content it does not accept, but will

otherwise accept the decision of the Section as determined.

f. Advise the Board in advance of any annual, or special meeting, prior to it being advised to its


g. Invite and notify the board to any significant meeting/event (Eg AGM, Presentation Night,

etc) for the purpose of transparency.

h. Advise and keep the Board advised of any changes in Sections committee representation.

i. Seek Board/Management approval for any additional sponsorship that might be sought in

order to ensure a consistent approach to such matters and that each Section maintain a

register of existing sponsors and expiry dates.

j. Advise the Board of any individual/team accomplishments within the Section and to assist

any promotion as appropriate.

k. Reassign ownership of funds/assets to the Club.

l. Provide Club management with any material designed to enter the public arena, for the

purposes of proofing and ensuring a consistent profile within the community. This includes

any printed or electronic media noting that once a broad design is approved the Section is

afforded self-management rights of specific content.

m. Advise the Board of any internal disciplinary or compliance matters, such as perceived theft,

for the Boards advice within seven (7) days of it coming to the Sections attention.

n. Seek Board approval for any sale, purchase or contract that either; extends beyond

12months or exceeds $2,000 and to ensure that any such transaction considers existing


o. Prohibit any remuneration for Section members unless expressly agreed by the board.

p. Upon written notification to the Section committee the Club requires that all Section

membership fees are controlled through the Clubs membership system to be effective from

1 July 2016 dependant on the Clubs ability to meet financial year requirement of the Section.

The Club will reimburse each club for any such fees received as a part of their income.

q. Prohibit each Section committee member from any public comment on the club, its

operations, its Section operations without appropriate approval from the clubs General



4.1 The Club will maintain an Honour Board to recognise the achievements of the Club’s bowlers who are finalists in Association events conducted at District level and/or by Zone, State and National bodies.


5.1 The Club’s authorised signatories for cheques, promissory notes, drafts, bills of exchange and

other negotiable instruments are the Honorary Treasurer, President and General Manager.

5.2 All receipts for monies received by the Club must be signed by the Treasurer or the General

Manager or some other person nominated by them.


6.1 Club’s trading hours will be determined by the Board and displayed in the Club’s premises. For

special reasons these hours may be altered by the President or the General Manager or in their

absence, a Board Member or other person nominated by the President or General Manager.


7.1 A person may only carry liquor away from the Club’s premises during the times permitted under

sections 12 and 18 of the Liquor Act 2007 (being 5:00am to 10:00pm Monday to Saturday,

10:00am to 10:00pm on Sunday, excluding Christmas Day and Good Friday).

7.2 In order to ensure comfortable conditions in the Club’s premises and on the grounds and greens,

members must not create undue noise or cause any disturbance. In particular, the Board will not

tolerate foul or offensive language in the Club’s premises or on the grounds and greens.

7.3 All persons in the Club’s premises and on the grounds and greens must be cleanly and

presentably dressed at all times and meet the Club’s dress requirements as displayed at the main

entrance to the Club’s premises. Satisfactory dress will be determined by the General Manager,

the President, a Board Member or persons nominated by them.

7.4 Members who park their vehicles in the Club’s parking area must do so within the marked areas

provided. ‘Reserved’ parking areas are for the sole use of the persons nominated.

7.5 The Club issues each member with a membership card. The membership card must be shown,

on request, to an employee or officer of the Club when entering or while in the Club’s premises.

The membership card must not be used by any person other than the member to whom it was

issued. The membership card is the Club’s property and must be returned to the Club on


7.6 All complaints from members about the Club’s employees or vice versa must be directed in

writing to the General Manager or if the General Manager is absent, the President.

7.7 Any person who is suspended or has been expelled from the Club’s membership or whose

application for Club membership has been rejected by the Board will not be entitled to be

admitted to the Club’s premises as a temporary member or guest of a member.

7.8 These By-Laws are enforceable under the Club’s Constitution against all members of the Club.

Rule 46 provides if any member refuses or neglects to comply with the provisions of the

Constitution or By-Laws, the member may be subject to disciplinary proceedings that may result

in a reprimand, suspension or expulsion from membership.


8.1 The Club shall trade under the registered trading name of NBC Sports Club

Dated: 25 May 2015

By Order of the Board

Trevor Oldfield, President